Grade 3 – Planet Videos

The students in Tracey Supple’s third grade classroom have been studying the planets. One of their projects was to work with a partner to research an assigned planet, locate or create images about that planet, decide on 5 important facts about the planet, and then create an online video using Animoto. In Animoto, the students were able to choose their video style and music. Each team worked well together and produced fun, informative videos!

Saturn – Hayden and Jackson A.

Mercury – Zoe and Isabel

Neptune – Henry and Jameson

Mars – Nathan and Jackson B.

Venus – Noel and Liam

Pluto – Magdalene and Francesca

Earth – Maddie and Sarah

Jupiter – Levi and Skyler

Uranus – Toler and Max

Grade 6 – Book Commercials

For their book contract, Alyson Bull had her students design cereal boxes to advertise the books they had read in their independent reading. They also gathered 3 collectible charms to represent the protagonist, conflict, and theme from the book. They presented their work in the form of a promotional TV advertisement that advertised both the cereal and the book. Some of their completed projects are shown below.


Maddy from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.


Liza from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.

Emily O.

Emily O from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.


Addy from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.


Jonathan from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.


Ashirah from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.


OCea from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.


Maeve from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.


Journey to the Centre of the Earth from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.


Owen from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.


Ethan from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.


Ruby from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.


Tatiana from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.


Grant from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.


Book Contract Zach from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.

Emily C.

Book Commercial Emily C from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.