Grade 2 Ocean Museum

The students in Angela Regan’s second grade class welcomed parents, friends and students to their Ocean Museum. Each student studied a creature or ocean habitat and created a visual to show what they learned during the research process. Terrific job,Second Graders!

Lillian Orcas from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.

All About Crabs – Ad from Karin Gravina on Vimeo.

Grade 1 – Three Little Pigs and the stability of structures

Students in Alissa Alteri Shea’s class learned about the stability of structures and the properties of materials during computer lab with Karin Gravina. Using the story of The Three Little Pigs as a starting point, the students were asked to predict whether cardboard, legos, straw, sticks, drinking straws, marshmallows and sugar cubes would be strong or weak materials for building a house. Then working in teams, they created homes for the pigs using each of the materials. Fans were used to test the stability of each house and students recorded their observations for each structure.